These pieces are visual poetry of structure, rhythm, and balance. This visual language is created from strips & blocks of printed & painted papers, found papers, ephemera, and found objects, aligned in a structure of common axes, often combined with broken rulers emphasizing measurement and structure. Reveling in texture, these celebrate the details found in the aged & worn surfaces.
As poetry conforms to a prescribed structure such as in sonnets, haiku, etc. using stanzas and rhymes, these pieces utilize the principles of balance & symmetry to create a visual equilibrium, with rhythm in repetition, and emphasis to give significance. Squares and rectangles portray strength and stability, horizontal lines suggest distance and calm, vertical lines suggest height and strength, contrast of light and dark create focal points.
Just as poetry’s purpose is essential to help us understand the world around us, art endeavors to show us things anew that we may have previously taken for granted. It offers us new perspectives on the familiar. Rather than looking at an object as what it represents, one sees it for it's own presence and visual elements.
As poetry conforms to a prescribed structure such as in sonnets, haiku, etc. using stanzas and rhymes, these pieces utilize the principles of balance & symmetry to create a visual equilibrium, with rhythm in repetition, and emphasis to give significance. Squares and rectangles portray strength and stability, horizontal lines suggest distance and calm, vertical lines suggest height and strength, contrast of light and dark create focal points.
Just as poetry’s purpose is essential to help us understand the world around us, art endeavors to show us things anew that we may have previously taken for granted. It offers us new perspectives on the familiar. Rather than looking at an object as what it represents, one sees it for it's own presence and visual elements.